In this post, I made fun of the leg o' mutton sleeve. It's just one of those vintage styles that I can't imagine coming back into fashion. I mean, the name alone is ridiculous. What woman wants her arm compared to a cut of meat? We might as well call it the ham hock sleeve.
So imagine my surprise when I received an e-mail from Taunton Press with the image above. It's a sneak peek at some of the looks in the SewStylish fall 2009 issue. That clearly appears to be a leg o' mutton sleeve on the model. She's ready to party like it's 1899!
Will any of you be sewing a look like this? Am I alone in my feelings about the leg o' mutton?
I have mixed feelings in general about SewStylish magazine. There are usually a lot of "what were they thinking?!" styles in each issue. Exhibit A: the cover of the upcoming fall issue.
What is that on her head? A turban? A kerchief? And let's talk about that jacket. Actually, let's not.
But then there's always something that keeps me buying SewStylish. Exhibit B: skirt #2.
I was a finalist in SewStylish's Spring Fashion contest, to a bit of infamy. I'm hoping they'll have another contest in the Fall issue. You know I can't resist a contest.
What are your thoughts about SewStylish? Will you be buying this issue?