Showing posts with label Pat's Custom Buttons and Belts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pat's Custom Buttons and Belts. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Raglan Sleeve Coat: Almost There!

Readers, I am so close to finishing this thing I can taste it. (Mmmm, tastes like wool and angora!) I just have to assemble and put in the lining (the VoNBBS way, completely by hand), and then make the faux fur collar. I might actually get impatient and leave the fur collar for later. I think the blue one is mighty cute--what do you think?

Also, I ordered enormous fabric-covered buttons from Pat's Custom Buttons and Belts, and they look amazing. Also good enough to eat. (Can you tell I'm hungry? Must be lunch time.)

Anyway, I can report that this thing looks exactly like the Vogue's New Book for Better Sewing version, which is totally unlike anything I own. The cuffs are gigantic, as big as my head. I will have to pose dramatically in it, like so:

More to come!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I Defeated the Background Dress of Doom!

Why am I smiling in this picture? Because I have vanquished the Background Dress! Gertie prevails! This sucker is DONE, folks! Lots of self-indulgent pictures after the jump.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Buttons, Glorious Buttons!

Is it possible to be in love with a button? Because I think I am. I received my coat buttons from Pat's Custom Buttons and Belts yesterday, and they are AMAZING.

As you may recall, I was having trouble choosing between the half ball button and the combination flat button. I was so gripped by indecision that I ended up ordering a set of each. The way I figure it, it wouldn't hurt to have an extra set of buttons for my coat, right? I also had the backs lined with my polka dot charmeuse coat lining, thanks to the ingenious suggestion of one of you lovely readers.

Here's a close-up of the combination flat:

And here's the half ball:

I'm definitely leaning towards one of them, but I'm not going to make up my mind for sure until I see them on the finished coat.

But I just had to share them with you. Aren't they indeed glorious? Don't they make you want to marry Pat, the custom button-maker? (Or is that just me?) In any case, I once again highly recommend Pat's Custom Buttons and Belts. I sent my order form and fabric to her on November 3oth, and received my beautiful buttons back on December 8th! And that's including mail time from New York to California and back. How does she do it? See my post with all her information here.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Help Me Choose My Coat Buttons!

My coat-in-progress calls for six big old buttons, 1-1/4" each to be exact. I've decided to go the self-fabric covered button route, and I'll be sending away to have them done professionally at Pat's Custom Buttons and Belts. (Read my post about Pat's here.) I know they are going to be just fabulous. My only problem is that Pat has so many button styles to choose from! So. I could really use your help here.

Here's the pattern I'm using, to refresh your memory:

I'm making view D, the one shown in ivory in the front. As you can see, the button choice is crucial with this design.

My instincts are telling me to go with a classic half ball shape.

But isn't this "combination flat" design interesting?

What do you think: half ball or combination flat? Or something else entirely? (Click on the first image to see all the options full-size.) Thanks for your help, friends!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Belts, Part One: Have One Custom Made!

Vintage dresses often feature a matching self-fabric belt and buckle. I adore this look, don't you? Vintage sewing patterns will direct you in making one, or more cryptically, instruct you to "have one made." I suppose in the 50's, there must have been places you could easily go to and have a belt made. Well, times have changed. Now there appears to be only one business that offers this service (that I know of).

Pat Mahoney is the proprietress of Pat's Custom Buttons and Belts, a mail-order business out of Lodi, California. According to this fascinating article, "Mahoney began as a home-based dressmaker, but when Singer Sewing Co. discontinued its button and belt covering service in Lodi, she bought the associated equipment."

There's no website, so you either need to call or write to get a catalog. (How quaint!) I read about Pat in Threads magazine a while ago, and being desirous of some fancy custom-made fabric belts, I gave her a call. She was enormously sweet and nice to chat with, and she sent out a catalog on the double. (Note that there is a five dollar charge for a catalog.)

The catalog is, in a nutshell, a seamstress's dream. Just look at some of the fancy buttons you can have made!

So, having just bought the red silk duchesse for the sheath dress, I figured this was the perfect opportunity to try out the service. I was very pleased, all around. All you have to do is find the style buckle you want in the catalog (there are a whopping 127 styles!), and choose from a few other options (thread or metal eyelets, etc.). I mailed out my form and fabric and received my belt back in under two weeks. And it was gorgeous, all for the low low price of $17.50.

If you'd like to try out this service (and I highly recommend that you do), you can contact Pat as follows:

Pat's Custom Buttons and Belts
(209) 369-5410
537 York Street
P.O. Box 335
Lodi, CA 95241

If you'd rather DIY, check back soon(ish) for a post on making your own self-fabric belt!
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