
Saturday, April 15, 2017

B6453 Sew Along: Hemming the Dress!

This is the last post on sewing your dress, everyone! Time to hem. 

Let's start with View A. Press the entire hem to the inside of the dress 3/4".
Then turn in the upper edge of the fabric by 1/4" and press. I had serged my fabric so I had an easy edge to turn in (I confess this was sort of unintentional; sometimes I serge the lower edge of the fabric as a matter of course before I construct the seams). Another option would have been to leave the serged edge exposed on the inside, without doing another fold.
Stitch along the edge of the hem fold all around the dress. I like to use my edgestitch foot for this.
Give the whole thing a final press and you're done!

For view B, start by finishing the lower edges of the slit opening. Turn the 1" slit to the outside of the dress and pin at the lower edge.
Stitch along the lower edge, using a 1" seam allowance.
Trim diagonally into the corner fold to reduce bulk.
Turn the corner right side out and press. Turn up and press the rest of the hem 1" to the inside of the dress.
 Turn the upper raw edge of the hem in 1/4". You can kind of open out the hem and use the tip of your iron to do this.

Turn the entire hem to the inside of the dress again (it's now 3/4" wide). Pin in place.

Edge stitch along the fold of the hem all the way around. Done!

Two finished dresses!
I hope you all have enjoyed the sew along! The Facebook Group is still growing like crazy and is very active. I've loved doing this one. I'll be running more in the future, and have some exciting news about what's next, so please stay tuned!

1 comment:

Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie