Monday, March 13, 2017

B6453 Sew Along: How to Do an FBA

Hi ladies, a lot of you have been asking about how to do an FBA (Full Bust Adjustment) on this dress. I have teamed up with Palmer/Pletsch in order to provide you with some information. First, check out their Fitting Order information. It can often be confusing figuring out where to start with fit adjustments, especially when there are several things that need changing.

Next! Look at the Princess Bust Alterations document, specifically the information on an armhole princess adjustment. The method that Palmer Pletsch uses is tissue fitting, and there is step-by-step info on how to do this. Tissue fitting will tell you how much you need to add at the bust, and then you can make a muslin to test your fit.

Please post your muslin and fit pictures to the Facebook Group! It's been a great resource for questions of all kinds.

A huge thanks to Palmer Pletsch for allowing me to reprint this information on bust adjustments!

Fit documents: Copyright © 2016 by Palmer/Pletsch Incorporated (May be reproduced for educational purposes with credit). Information from Fit For Real People by Pati Palmer and Marta Alto. 


  1. Hi Gertie how to do when you waist is bigger than your bust? Let's say waist size 18 and bust size 14. Big difference :( I feel frustrated because don't know how to fit properly I made size 18 and the bodice was super big on the bust area �� Any help would be really appreciated thank you

    1. Hi there, definitely don't go by your waist measurement when picking a size!!! As you found out, this results in the bust fit being off, and it's very difficult to adjust a bust fit that's several sizes off. It's much better to go by your bust size, and then adjust the waist as needed. Make the 14 and then taper out to the size 18 at the waistline on all your seams (side seams and princess seams.


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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