You'll be starting with your top right side out, and you'll have two sleeve layers inside each other.
Turn in the seam allowances on the sleeves (in just one little spot) the way they will be sewn. So the seam allowances will be turned in and facing each other.
Next, dig into the sleeves a bit so that you can pin the seam allowances this way from the inside. Don't worry too much about how this is done, just that the two layers are pinned together the way they will be sewn.
Remember that opening you left in the waistline? Dig in there with your hand and pull out the sleeves that you pinned. They'll look like this.
Now, pin the sleeve raw edges together all the way around. It's funny looking, like two elephant trunks touching and then getting pinned together at the edges.
Take to the machine and sew around the edges you pinned. Use a straight stitch and stretch the fabric as you sew. I'm pulling up the two sleeves here so you can get a better idea of how the sewing works.
Here's what you'll have.
Push the sleeves back into the opening and put one sleeve inside the other. The sleeve hem is finished! You'll want to give it a little press.
Repeat the above steps with the other sleeve.
Next, we're going to edgestitch the side opening for the ties. Remember these?
Make sure those seam allowances are turned in, pin them in place, and then edgestitch around the opening.
Your final step is to hand stitch the opening at the waistline closed. A slip stitch or ladder stitch is great.
Hey, your top is finished! Give it a light press, lightly pressing all the edges flat. It's ready to wear!