Thursday, January 12, 2012

Incubus of Viral Plague

Hey readers, you know when you get one of those stomach bugs and you're convinced you'll never feel normal again? That's what I've been doing this week. Super fun. No sewing going on here, obviously. Just enjoyed my first solid meal of plain rice and broth, though--with a dollop of applesauce for desert! (Being on a diet like this always makes me think of Emily Blunt in The Devil Wears Prada: "I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight." Hilarious--until you've got the stupid stomach flu.)

I hope to be back to blogging and answering your comments/e-mails/tweets very soon!


  1. Oh, that is the worst. Hope you are all better soon.

  2. Totally understand. It's miserable. Feel better soon!

  3. Oh, I hope you feel better soon. That's no fun at all!

  4. Hope you feel better soon. I know and love that line from Prada! When I got my Prada glasses, my daughter (ever supportive) said, it's true, mom! I said what's true? She replied, The Devil really does wear Prada!

  5. Don't really care for the stomach flu diet.
    I hope you feel better soon!

  6. Get well soon Gertie! I got a bug a few months ago from our canteen lady. (I know I hate the thought of it now!) I felt exactly the same way like I was never going to enjoy a proper meal again. A couple of weeks after getting better I got stomach ache because I was so stressed but I was convinced I was ill again and cried on the phone to my mum wailing "but I don't want to be sick again!". Corr I am daft!

  7. Hang in there honey. You'll outlive this. ;-)

  8. Really hope you feel better soon. You've had a lot on your plate for a while now, so I guess your body was going to force you to stop at some point. I'm sure Jeff is doing a grand job of looking after you.

  9. Oh no! Poor lamb. Well I hope you're not surviving on a cube of cheese when you feel faint.

  10. I've been thinking about that same quote this week, while also feeling like I'll never be normal again thanks to a stomach bug. I'm glad I'm not the only one, but sorry for your misery.

  11. Oh my word, you and me both, I've been sick since the start of the year, I hate it. I just can't wait to feel better.

  12. Get well soon! Already looking forward to your new Craftsy course!

  13. Hope you feel better. I never realized how great water tastes until I went without during my last stomach flu.

  14. I'm so sorry to hear that, I hate feeling that way. Do get better soon.

  15. I hope you feel better soon--take it easy!

    (At my Weight Watchers meeting a couple months ago, one woman's weekly "success" was that she'd lost x number of pounds that week due to stomach flu. She then proceeded to offer to shake the hands of anyone who wanted the benefit of the flu in anticipation of next week's weigh-in. Uh, thanks but no thanks.)

  16. That is one of my favorite lines from DWP. Much more entertaining if you don't actually HAVE the stomach flu...Feel better soon!

  17. Oh honey I really hope you feel better soon! Cuddle down under the duvet and watch some movies! XxxX

  18. Sad times, I hope you get better and back at your machine very soon.

  19. So sorry. That's the worst. Take good care of yourself. Look forward to your posts all the time.

  20. Happy to hear you're on the mend!

  21. Oh Gertie, I am glad your feeling better!

  22. Take good care of you & the kitty's are helping you I am sure, bless you.

  23. :'-( Go easy on the food, even if it seems like you want to eat: bananas, rice, applesauce, toast... Of course, chicken soup, when you can tolerate it! Just rest & recover thoroughly. Being sick takes a lt of energy!

  24. Feel better soon, Gertie!!! :)

  25. It's my turn this week :(

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

  26. Oh no, hope you feel better soon.

  27. Oh, Gertie, please let us know when your next Craftsy course is online! I have currently undertaken to do a whole sixties Mad men-inspired suit, but I am stuck on the collar. Really want to know when you course airs!!

    Thank you (and hope you are feeling much better!!)

  28. Poor Gretchen!! Hope you feel better soon.

  29. Awwww! Feel better! I'm sending you healing energy!!

  30. hi Gertie!
    I hope you don't mind that I've made reference to your blog in mine.


  31. I hope you feel better very soon.


  32. Wow, it looks like it's been going on for a while! I hope you are OK.

  33. Hope you are better soon. Take care, C

  34. Hoping that you are feeling better, super loving your blog. Have I mentioned that I am obsessing about gussets? I want to sew a project just so that I can make them, lol.

  35. Verry nice blog here! I really enjoyed reading it so much that I bookmarked this on digg! I wish you continued success!

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Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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