
Monday, November 7, 2011

The Daily Dress: Glee Does Vintage

Lots of Glee fans hate it when the characters wear vintage, because that means they can't find the same garments in stores. How silly! The vintage pieces Rachel wears are often the most interesting on the show, take this black frock for instance. (From the episode "Asian F," when she and Mercedes sing "Out Here on My Own.")

It's hard to find a great picture of this dress, but trust me: it's fabulous. I barely listened to the music because I was so busy studying it. (And also noticing how thin Lea Michele has gotten since season 1, but that's another discussion for another time, I suppose. Update: I'm not trying to "body snark" here, and I apologize if anyone is offended by the reference to her weight. It's just been quite a dramatic change since she first appeared on TV.)

The dress is very classic early 60s: kimono sleeves, shaped midriff with piping, adorable bow, and a full pleated skirt. A search for similar patterns will bring up lots of gems, including this one (which is a bust 36" and I would like you to know I have refrained from buying just so one of you can have it. You're welcome.)

It's also fun to browse through the midriff category on the Vintage Pattern wiki.

The absolute perfect fabric for this dress would be black silk faille--here's one from Gorgeous Fabrics. Or maybe taffeta? Or a sturdy cotton for daytime maybe. The choice is yours!


  1. It's a lovely dress, but yeah, I confess my first thought upon looking at that picture is that the girl looks so thin as to have become disproportionate. :-(

  2. If anyone wants to do a more retro-ish (rather than straight vintage) vibe to this dress, there are a couple of patterns from Vogue I think could work well, or be adjusted to work well. I've done the full-skirt option in V8648 and ended up with a somewhat similar look. V1271 and V8633 are another two modern ones with a similar feel, and V2960 is a vintage reproduction pattern that has many of the same style lines. The other Big 4 have some vintage repro patterns that could work well too, but the Vogue ones struck me as the most similar.

  3. The dress looks lovely! Her ... not so much. But I'm sure shooting is quite stressfull. Now I want that dress. But in a more colourful fabric ^^.

  4. I saw that pattern you posted a picture of for sale on Etsy last night! What a coincidence....I like that large waistband look, it can be very slimming.

  5. If she had gained weight, would that be a valid topic for discussion -- how sad it is to be so fat? Why is it so fashionable to hate on the skinnies?

    When will women just be people and not objects to be discursively poked and prodded?

  6. Hi Nadia, I agree with you on your points, and I probably shouldn't have brought up her weight at all. I'm not trying to be snarky, but as someone whose weight has yo-yo'ed for various reasons over the years, it's hard for me to see such a drastic weight loss on a women in the public eye and not wonder about it.

  7. I love love love that dress, and I know exactly what episode you're talking about!
    It is quite sad that her weight has plummeted since the first season, but believe me, when you see yourself on tv you get quite a shock. I had no idea I looked the way I did until I saw myself on TV last year, and my own self perception was shattered! Although I noticed flaws there, I did realise I had things to envy too! So I guess it's a good and bad thing. Yeah. back to the original topic, I love this dress.

  8. The Colette Peony dress has a few elements in common also, although the skirt is not pleated it could be. V pretty pattern! I don't watch Glee so I've not seen this dress in action. I don't approve in general of stage performers like singers wearing black, makes them very hard to see!

  9. You can see the episode here:

    I don't care for the show - but I watched parts of this episode for the clothes. I liked the little pink dress with the black and white trim that appears right after that song number.

    And Gertie,
    Thank you!

  10. I've been an avid Glee fan since the beginning, and yeah, it's hard not to notice the general weight loss (especially comparing how the actors look now compared to when the pilot aired). I suppose that, yes, with filming and the stresses of their tours and whatnot, weight loss is inevitable. ANYWAY. Rachel and Emma's wardrobes are simply to die for, with all those adorable dresses and cardigans! Aaack! =)

  11. I don't think you were being body were just making an observation. Because this is something that seems to happen to alot of actresses when they are on a long running tv show.

  12. I have always loved the clothing they choose for this actress. It's amazing how you can take a classic vintage style, revamp it with an updated fabric and have something fresh and new.

    Speaking of revamping, I read that Barbara Streisand was watching Funny Girl with one of her nieces, and the girl wanted to know why they had used so many Glee songs in that musical. Guess it all depends on your point of view.

  13. I just discovered the show this year, enjoy the music, the plot is OK, but I mostly enjoy watching the clothes and fashion trends. This particular dress is very nice and I think, if constructed carefully, would suit many figures. In the 60's this was the go to style. I remember my Mother wearing this and similar dresses all the time.

    Despite the absolutely ridiculous, mind-numbing, constant discussion of weight, too fat, too thin, etc. it is always there in front of us. My concern would be for her health and stress level, not how she looks in the darn dress. A mention of her weight in a blog like this one should not incite the masses to regurgitate the perpetual argument. Yes, it is an issue. We all know that I think. I suppose my rant (sorry) is the result of this subject frequently sabotaging the actual topic of the post. I have recently seen some bloggers well designed post turn on a dime to the weight subject when the original purpose was button placement or underlining. Shall we vote to give it a rest?

  14. Wow what a time warp, I used this pattern for my bridesmaids dresses...47 yrs. ago. Still have the pattern, sizes sure have changed, a size 12 has a 32" bust. Your post had me pulling out old wedding pics.

  15. I see quite a few of that pattern still aorund, I've always liked it.

    I read your weight comment to be kindly concern for the actress. There is always room for concern as to what agents, tv executives and actors put themselves through in order to be more "castable" (film adding pounds, etc) never mind the drains of the job. Blame the industry not the audience. Its not a slight as to how thin or fat they are but a worry for their physical and mental health. When I used to work 6 - 8 week theatre show runs, the amount of weight actresses lost during those two months was incredible, they could easily drop a dress-size - and many are tiny to begin with! I'm slim and average height, stood beside some of the actresses I've worked with, I feel like an Amazonian!

  16. I am a Gleek - I love the show, I love show music and I love the clothes. The characters have some amazing outfits and I too look at the styling and think about how I can adapt and recreate them. I particularly like the clothes that the Character Tina wears.

  17. I love the vintage look so much that I went and looked at a bunch of vintage patterns given to me to see if I had one...but sadly no. I commend you on pointing out the negative weight difference. I have had to deal with a daughter who pretty much lost a year and a half now however is doing OK at the moment. It has been a long battle for all involved. I found it good ( a mother) that eople are noticing possible issues....thank you from myself, my family and my daughter.

  18. I love the dress. The Kimono sleeves make her shoulders look wide and her hips very thin in comparison. I kept thinking it needed a petticoat or subtle crinoline. I have a pattern similar to this but it was sent to me in error when I orded a 1930's pattern. I have to return it but am tempted to trace it first

  19. Gertie,

    I am a follower in all of your art. And have pretty much folowed in everythign you have said as well as the followers you have. I typically post comments before I read others..(not sure if that is good or bad) but I just read the comments from you post and just wanted you to know that I think you are a wonderful, insightful human being. It took just one sentence to bring about many comments; ironically not necessarily about the item you were writing about. I applaud you in what you have said. Many people would let it go and just figure it was the way it is. I believe woman are not portrayed in the true sense that they should be...curvy and human beings. Thank you and I do not believe you should be sorry for specific observations...hopefully one erson was listening.

  20. The ladies from glee lost weight on their live tour. they made a public statement that it was not purposful and they planned on gaining it back.

    Now for the dress. I love finding women who wear vintage and retro stuff. I personally am to large and *erhem* haven't sewn in 11 years, to wear the clothes I love so much. One of the reason I read your blog is to respark the love for sewing I once had. Then maybe I can start loving my wardrobe again.

  21. And a pattern like that is not hard to draft if you have a good basic that already fits you well. ;) k.

  22. I love Vintage :) look at my blog

  23. Gorgeous dress, you don't really see that design on tv a lot, its mainly the normal big skirted flower designs or mini skirts. XxxX

  24. The entertainment industry demands that attractive = thin---very thin, the thinner, the better. T & A can always be added back in via surgery and padding. You are not remiss in noting the significant weight loss of a popular young actress; you were being open and honest about what you noticed. In the entertainment industry getting thinner is part of the price paid for fame. It's no wonder so many entertainers compensate with other obsessions. Don't get me started on the toxic affect of media/tv/film/entertainment on women's psyches/self images in and out of the industry.


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie