Thursday, July 7, 2011

Guest Posts Galore

It so happens that I have two guest posts out in the interwebs today.

First, check out the inaugural post of my new weekly series on the STC Craft blog. I'm doing some freelance editing work on their sewing books, and they asked me to contribute to their blog as well! I have the best job.

Second, remember when I asked for your submissions on the one dress you'd kill to have a pattern for? My post is up today at Sew, Mama, Sew! See which three dress submissions I chose. And thanks to all who gave input!


  1. lots of great content in both posts!

  2. Gertie, your post over at Sew Mama Sew was absolutely wonderful and so informative. I never thought about looking at the line drawings to see how I could change them up or mixing pattern pieces from different patterns. This will be a big help. Thank you so much.

  3. Loved both of your posts! I want to be you when I "grow up". (In quotes since I've been sewing almost as long as you are here on this earth)
    HA -ha.

    Keep up the good work, Gertie! You are an inspiration to us all!

  4. Love your blog - all of those Vogue patterns bring back memories. My first Vogue project was a wrap around dress (1960's) and then a gorgeous pink suit I wore to the base to meet my husband when he returned from Vietnam. I am pretty much self-taught, but I have been sewing since my early 20's. I made all of my girls' dresses, etc., when they were little. I loved it! I quilt most of the time now, but would like to try sewing a dress again. And I had one of those great Vogue sewing books too. I'll be following this blog for sure.

  5. Such great info! Thanks for letting us know about the other website.

  6. Great post. Actually if you or anyone needs any help in drafting the De la Renta Sheath dreess, I can help.
    I drafted a similar pattern myself some time ago

    free 50's page of fashions from Dover


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie

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