
Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Daily Dress: Keira Knightley in Green Charmeuse

The fun thing about The Daily Dress is that it allows me to keep a theme going for the day. And since we were talking about interfacing charmeuse this morning, why not feature a charmeuse dress? I couldn't think of one more lovely than Kiera Knightley's in the film Atonement. The color is amazing, isn't it? And the style suits her so well.
I feel like this sihouette might be harder for the curvier of us to pull off (though please, correct me if I'm wrong!), but that won't stop me from admiring it. And Vintage Vogue 2859 would be a great starting point. Adding a simple hip swag would help replicate the look.
If you're curious to read more, here's a fantastic research post that collects all sorts of information about this dress and its creator.


  1. I love that dress too, it was perfect for Keira Knightly - she really knows how to pull off a slinky 30s number - like the red one in the Chanel advert. I love the style but I wouldn't be able to pull it off!

  2. I think it depends on how long your torso is, and how evenly proportioned your curves are. The hip draping could really balance out a strong shoulder or large bust. It's hard to imagine this on anyone other than Kiera, but then I suddenly pictured Christina Hendricks and I think it would work. You'd need height though, I don't think it would work on a curvy petite frame.

  3. I loved everything Keria wore in that movie but it helps to be a flat up and down, stunning. Loving these posts honey. axx

  4. I loved that dress, but I have to admit, she was FAR too skinny in that movie for me to find it attractive on her.

  5. I adored how the dress was part of her character - she was so young and innocent, playing with the airs and attitudes of an adult - the cigarette smoking - the carelessness towards Robbie. And then she puts on that dress and somehow its sophistication makes you see just how young and naive she still is.

    Everything about Atonement, Cecilia, Robbie and the dress is perfect.

  6. Ooo - good one! I lusted after that dress when I saw the movie - but I'm a curvy gal, and I think it would take a bit more structure for it to look good. Damn those 20's/30's dresses!

    I'm really loving this daily dress feature, by the way!

  7. I saw the actual dress at the FIDM museum when it was up for consideration at the Oscars.

    To get the really intense green color, they used a double layer of the silk.

    Every year, before the Oscars, FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Marketing in downtown LA) displays costumes from movies nominated for an Oscar in costuming. Admission is free.

  8. LOVE the colour. I think it would look great on someone a little curvier, although if it was someone a lot curvier there might have to be the right kind of girdle underneath. Still, beautiful dress!

  9. Really gorgeous dress, and color, but I think the gal is way too slim - not enough "on top" for that dress.

  10. Loved the dress and loved the scene in which she wore it...

  11. You know, everyone raved about this dress, but it just didn't do it for me. The colour was gorgeous, but compared to a lot of extent 1930s dresses, it just wasn't that fab. And apparently it ripped and damaged easily, which is a sign of bad sewing or bad fabric!

  12. I'm with The Dreamstress on this one- I never really thought the dress was that amazing. Love the color, though.

  13. Gorgeous dress and it is amazing, but she is way, way too skinny.

  14. Ohhh, definitely one of my favorite movie dresses, the whole thing is just divine - thanks for the pattern rec and link!

  15. I love this dress, the colour is incredible and the styling is wonderfully understated and elegant, plus it offers some hope to those of us who are flat chested and don't like bras! To those commenting that Knightley is 'too skinny', I wouldn't have thought I'd find those kinds of comments on Gertie's blog, when she so encourages acceptance of natural body types. Keira Knightley is a thin person. I am a thin person. My sister and mother are thin people. We're tall, flat chested, and bony. It's no more pleasant to be pinched and poked and told you need to put on some weight than it is to be told you need to lose it. I wouldn't normally weigh into this kind of thing but if anyone was saying someone was too large to be attractive there'd be justified outrage. I'm sure I'll be thought naive for thinking this is her natural body shape, but I've never seen any evidence that it isn't.
    This is someone's body type, one others share. This dress doesn't hide or try to pad out the wearer's shape, and to me that's inspirational.

  16. Gin Djinn
    Thanks for your comments. I get all squirmy when I read criticisms of people's body types, aka too skinny, too fat, too flat chested, butt too big, etc. A 'real' woman somewhere has that shape and who are we to say she needs to change it?
    Back to the dress--I love the color and the flow. I think the top portion would need a lot more structure and support for busty women.

  17. this si from my all time favourite book, the film is lovely too. Yes the dress is so stunning!

  18. O Gertie, no! Not THIS dress! it's gotten way to much (undesrving) attention. Yes it's stunning and provocative. But basically just a flimsy piece of silk cut on the bias that kept tearing so they had like a dozen or so of these made. WTF!? What kind of a garment cannot withstand normal wear for the period it takes to make a movie?
    And it isn't even period accurate :-(

  19. Keira is very slim but she has lovely broad shoulders which I think balances her out -- I unfortunately have very narrow shoulders and most things fall off me. I think the dress is suited so well to her frame -- the blousey bodice and the accentuation of her waist and then the draping on her hips, I think, gives her a very natural womanly silhouette. But I can imagine it on someone with a nice 'booty' as well.

  20. That dress is STUNNING...she pulls it off so well, as if it were second skin. I love the color, too, one of my favorite jewel tones. I also love the fabric. I have a dress that I made for my brother's wedding 7 years ago and lined it with charmeuse...divine.

  21. The Gin Djinn: Great comment, thank you.

  22. not at all, i think women with curves would ROCK this dress. especially the back view with that nice low dip. i love keira knightly, but the front hangs off of her (very elegant) form... i think some curves would bang here.

  23. This dress remains my number one sewing inspiration. I first read this wonderful book on my honeymoon eight years ago, and dreamed of making this dress. When I saw the movie, I was in awe--Jacqueline Durran nailed it. I can't believe you posted this dress..just recently I started playing with various patterns/muslins (including the one you showed) to try to re-create my own version. Okay no more dreaming...THANKS for keeping me inspired and showing some love for us flat chested ladies!

  24. Ahhhh, Atonement ... there's nothing about that movie that doesn't give me the great big vintage glow. And Keira Knightley is just so gorgeous - the dress does the thang!

  25. I know I'm a little late on this post but I have to share a story about this dress... My co-worker who is a very romantic guy had this dress made as a surprise for his girlfriend after she went on and on about how beautiful it was. Somehow he got her measurements and had a dressmaker make it for a formal event they were to attend. What a sweet and thoughtful thing, huh?


Thanks for your comments; I read each and every one! xo Gertie